Marque Bretagne Brochures

Les Canoës du Guildo

Closed today

You will all make memories by discovering the fauna and flora in a beautiful natural site. Canoes, kayaks and stand up paddle are propelled by paddles, they are stable and silent.



Excursions on the Arguenon River or in the bay during high tide. For 2 to 4 hours, come and discover the Arguenon River’s fauna and flora at the heart of a natural site, on a calm and wave-less dofy of water.

You will all make memories by discovering the fauna and flora in a beautiful natural site. Canoes, kayaks and stand up paddle are propelled by paddles, they are stable and silent. It is the best way to discover nature in the best conditions. You will be able to spot the many birds and other wild animals including seals that can be found in the Guildo harbour.

The variety of birdsongs is really extraordinary and magical. Riverbanks and beaches offer nice rest areas on which you will be able to accost to enjoy your picnic.


Base rate

découverte paddle (durée 45')


Base rate

Balade paddle (durée 1h30)


Base rate

location kayak monoplace (durée 2h30)


Base rate

location canoë 2-3 places (sortie de 2h30)


Base rate

location canoë 3-4 places (sortie de 2h30)


Services & equipment

Pets allowed