Marque Bretagne Brochures

All our guides

Guides and maps 2024

Read and download our free maps and guides.

Guides and maps available in French, English and German.

Mag’ 2024 : Emerald inspiration

Foodies guide 2024

Accomodation guide 2024

Art guide 2024

Water-based activities guide 2023

Map of Dinard

Map of Saint-Lunaire

Map of Saint-Briac-sur-mer

Map of Lancieux

Groups and Events guide

Hiking trails, bike routes and geocaching

Hikers will enjoy the GR34 coastal trail and bike lovers will ride on the Dinard-Dinan green way. Download our free maps – Only available in French. Dinard’s discovery trails are available in other languages in our visitor centres.


Hiking on the Emerald Coast

Dinard’s heritage walking paths

Dinard’s Pointe de la Malouine walking path

Dinard’s Pointe du Moulinet walking path

Geocaching on the Emerald Coast

Emerald Coast map

Cycling path: Frémur river and Beaussais’ bay

Cycling path: Emerald coast and Rance river banks

Cycling path in Lancieux: countryside

Cycling path in Lancieux: Sea side

Cycling path in Lancieux: heritage side

Cycling path in Saint-Briac-sur-Mer

Cycling path in Saint-Lunaire

Cycling path in La Richardais

Cycling path in Pleurtuit

Cycling path in Le Minihic-sur-Rance

Cycling path in Tréméreuc

V4 cycle itinerary

V2-V3 cycle itinerary

What’s on

Are you looking for things to do during your holidays? Many cultural and sports events happen all year round: exhibitions, shows, concerts, etc.

Read online and download our free guides – Only available in French. Our “Flea markets and antique fairs” guide is available in French and English.

What’s on this week

Guided Tours – 2024 brochure

Flea markets – 2024 brochure

Guided Tours of Dinard – 2024 brochure

Dinard – 2024

Saint-Briac-sur-mer 2024

Saint-Lunaire – 2024

Kids friendly

Are you looking for ideas for your family holidays? A mini-guide is available at every school holidays. Download our free guides – Only available in French.

Children holidays guide – Summer 2024

Pointe de la Malouine children booklet

Parc de Port Breton children booklet

Saint-Enogat children booklet

Pointe du Moulinet children booklet

Practical information

We help you organise your holidays! Guides only available in French.

Tide schedules 2024

Campervans guide

Green holidays

Sustainable transport

Sensation Bretagne

29 seaside resorts in Brittany.

A guide to help you plan your holiday in Brittany.

Magazine 2023