Marque Bretagne Brochures

Manoli - Musée et jardin de sculptures

In a green oasis, just a stone’s throw away the Rance estuary, the museum presents in its rooms and garden almost 300 pieces of art by Manoli, fire sculptor and materials alchemist.

From 6€

2.entreeescaliermuseemanoliLARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
1.entreemuseemanoli LARICHARDAIS - ©Hervé Ronné
3.jardinmuseemanoliLARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
4.hommagealarancemuseemanoli LARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
5.lachoralemuseemanoli LARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
6.sallecorentinmuseemanoli LARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
7.salleaccueilmuseemanoli LARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
8.natureetsculpturesmuseemanoli LARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné
9.natureetsculpturesmuseemanoli2 LARICHARDAIS ©Hervé Ronné


In a green oasis, just a stone’s throw away the Rance estuary, the museum presents in its rooms and garden almost 300 pieces of art by Manoli, fire sculptor and materials alchemist. Creator of “La Grande Voile” at Montparnasse train station in Paris and liturgical furniture at Quimper’s cathedral, Manoli has worked with recovered material, granite and earthenware.

The result is surprising. Golden birds flying, owls born from a ploughshare modelled by fire and tightrope walkers who seen to invent the perpetual movement and take us to the artist’s imaginary and poetic world.
Audioguide, guide booklet (in French, English and German), game book, commented visit, educational workshops, temporary exhibition.

Creative workshop for families/ Temporary exhibitions/National events.






Base rate - full rate adult



Cyclists Welcome (Accueil Vélo)
Cyclists Welcome (Accueil Vélo)

Services & equipment


Bike shelter